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Customer inquiries about mobile medical x ray table with C-arm

Today, a customer inquired about a mobile medical x ray table with a C-arm. Normally, the medical x ray table used by the C-arm is an operating bed, and an ordinary filming bed is not suitable. After giving feedback to the customer, the customer said that the hospital already has an operating bed specially equipped with a C-arm, so he wanted to buy an ordinary mobile medical x ray table to move the patient.
According to the customer’s needs, first recommend the hydraulic bed to the customer. The bed surface of the hydraulic medical x ray table can be raised and lowered and tilted.
The customer stated that the bed surface does not need to be raised and lowered, just fix the bed surface. Recommend customers to choose our ordinary medical x ray table:
Photography flat bed size: 201x70x71cm
Finally, the customer ordered one of our ordinary mobile medical x ray table and photography medical x ray table.
If you are interested in our photography medical x ray table or hydraulic medical x ray table, please contact our customer service phone for consultation.



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