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Use of medical X-ray tables

The medical X-ray table fully meets the requirements of clinical sitting, standing, lying and special postural radiography, and effectively expands the scope of clinical examination. Before clinical surgery, many cases require X-ray examination of the patient, the patient is lying in the general operating bed.Medical X-ray tables are required for X-ray photography.
The original design of transparent medical X-ray table, supporting the use of medical X-ray imaging equipment DR film, has the advantages of simple and convenient operation, one-foot brake and unlock operation, side column design to ensure barrier-free movement, transparent bed plate is more convenient for doctors to locate and take pictures.
Use of medical X ray table
The light weight ultra thin design is suitable for each kind of different position photography, and can carry on the fast and convenient switch.
Newheek medical X-ray table is divided into human and animal use, and human medical X-ray table is divided into fixed type, mobile type and four-way floating type.The bed surface of our medical X-ray table can be selected by ourselves, which is divided into carbon fiber, plexiglass and density plate.
Newheek medical X-ray table can meet your different purchase needs.


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