HomeBlog ›The X-ray table with C-arm is used for surgery on small animals

The X-ray table with C-arm is used for surgery on small animals

The client is a pet hospital and wants an X-ray table that can be used for a C-arm to perform operations on small animals. I first sent a picture of the X-ray table to the customer to confirm the style with the customer. Because our bed is an X-ray table, it is generally suitable for filming, while the C-arm bed is generally an operating bed. However, the height of some C-arms is more compatible with X-ray tables, and because X-ray tables are cheaper than operating tables, many customers choose X-ray tables for C-arms.
The customer confirmed our X-ray table and said that his team needed more parameters. I sent our product information to the customer and told them to contact me at any time if they need anything.

mobile X-ray table


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