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Newheek’s simple medical x ray table

Is the simple medical x ray table fixed? Where is the simple medical x ray table used for?
The simple medical x ray table is an accessory device for use with X-ray machines. Newheek has a variety of film bed types.
Simple medical x ray table can be used with X-ray generators, radiators, etc. It is suitable for standing, lying, lateral photography, kV in human head, chest, abdomen, limbs, bones, etc. photography. This simple medical x ray table can be used for X-ray photography in large and medium-sized hospitals, as well as in scientific research and teaching in medical research institutes and medical colleges.
Newheek’s simple medical x ray table is a simple film bed, without a cassette, suitable for X-ray machines with cassettes. The four legs of the film bed have foot gates that can hold the film bed, so that the film bed can be fixed and Activity adjustment. Easy to use and easy to operate.
The simple medical x ray table can also be made of plexiglass, carbon fiber and MDF.

simple medical x ray table


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