HomeBlog ›Can Newheek’s medical x ray table in hospital work with portable X-ray machines?

Can Newheek’s medical x ray table in hospital work with portable X-ray machines?

Newheek’s medical x ray table has three main types, four-way floating medical x ray table in hospital, simple medical x ray table in hospital with Bucky and without Bucky, and six-way bed.

Many customers want a bed that matches the original X-ray machine. For portable X-ray machines, all three of our medical x ray table in hospitals can match.

First of all, we recommend our simple medical x ray table in hospital with Bucky, if the customer’s portable X-ray machine with a bracket can choose our simple medical x ray table in hospital with Bucky, this is a mobile medical x ray table in hospital, the bed with four wheels can move easily. The wheels are equipped with foot brakes, so the bed body can be fixed when the film is taken. It is convenient for doctors to operate and patients to test.

If you are interested in our simple medical x ray table in hospital, please feel free to contact us.


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