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Animal fracture film veterinary X ray radiology table

According to real-time statistics released by Johns Hopkins University in the United States, as of around 6 o’clock on May 22, Beijing time, a total of 5075181 new cases of new pneumonia have been diagnosed globally and a total of 330981 deaths.
The global New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic continues to spread. The latest estimate by American experts is that if the United States can implement measures to maintain social distance a week earlier in March, the number of deaths from its New Coronary Pneumonia will be reduced by about 36,000 people; the Italian Prime Minister said the peak of the epidemic has passed and restarted the economy It is a more arduous task; the Spanish parliament approved the extension of the national emergency once again; under the epidemic, India struggled to promote the resumption of production and production; the Russian prime minister said that the country ’s epidemic has now stabilized.


The veterinary bed can be used in conjunction with veterinary X-ray radiology table. It is suitable for the standing position, lying position, side photography, kV photography of the head, chest, abdomen, limbs, bones and other parts of veterinary hospitals. . The product can be used in large and medium-sized veterinary hospitals or clinics for X-ray photography, and can also be used for scientific research and teaching purposes in medical research institutions and medical schools. If you need the following veterinary X-ray radiology table, please call +86 15628738108!


(+86) 18953679166