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What kind of medical x ray table should the mobile DR be equipped with?

Recently, mobile DR have been favored by more and more hospitals. Mobile DR optical machines need to be matched with a medical x ray table to perform filming tests for patients, so how should I choose a medical x ray table?
The mobile DR is an X-ray machine equipped with a digital imaging system. The first thing to consider when choosing a medical x ray table is the placement of a flat-panel detector. The medical x ray table we want to choose needs to have a film cart. Another thing that needs to be considered is the material of the bed surface. The current medical x ray table material is made of density board, acrylic board and carbon fiber. Among them, the acrylic board has good light transmission and high cost performance. It is a good choice for mobile DR.
Newheek providesmedical x ray table designed for mobile DR. If you are interested, please contact us.



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