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What are the characteristics of Newheek’s pet veterinary x ray table?

The pet veterinary x ray table is a type of film bed that is used with an X-ray machine. Newheek’s pet film bed is a film bed with a column.
What are the characteristics of Newheek's pet veterinary x ray table
There are 4 kinds of Newheek pet veterinary x ray table, namely: pet bed (with cassette), fixed pet bed, four-way floating pet bed, veterinary photography flat bed, these film beds have columns, compared with medical film beds, The bed has a shorter bed and a column.
Pet film bed can be used together with veterinary X-ray generator, radiator, etc. It is suitable for standing, lying, lateral photography, kV photography of pet head, chest, abdomen, limbs, bones, etc. at all levels of pet hospitals. . The pet veterinary x ray table can be used for X-ray photography in large and medium veterinary hospitals or clinics. Newheek’s pet veterinary x ray table can be used in portable X-ray machines or hanging ball tubes.
What are the characteristics of Newheek's pet veterinary x ray table


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