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How to choose the four-way floating and six-way floating film bed?

How to choose the four-way floating and six-way floating film bed?
The radiographing bed is an accessory that we often use when performing imaging examinations, and we will also use a similar radiographing bed for assistance during surgery. When we choose a photography bed, we will find that there are fixed and floating photography beds.
Floating film beds are generally divided into four-way and six-way floating film beds, so how should we choose between these two kinds of film beds.
In this way, it depends on where the six-way and four-way floating beds are located. The difference between the two is very simple, that is, whether they can float in the upper and lower dimensions. Generally speaking, if the subject is easier to get in and out of bed, then you don’t need a six-way floating bed, just buy a four-way floating bed.
If you have the need of photography flat bed, please feel free to contact us.


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