HomeBlog ›Does the tabletop of radiography table have a radiolucent area for C-arm or other imaging equipment access?

Does the tabletop of radiography table have a radiolucent area for C-arm or other imaging equipment access?

Radiography tables are designed with radiolucent areas to allow for the use of C-arm or other imaging equipment during procedures. The tabletop typically incorporates a radiolucent section that enables X-rays or other imaging modalities to pass through unobstructed, providing a clear view of the region of interest. This feature is crucial for various medical procedures, such as fluoroscopy and interventional radiology, where real-time imaging is required. The radiolucent area allows medical professionals to position C-arms or other imaging devices underneath the table, ensuring optimal visualization and guidance during surgeries, interventions, or diagnostic examinations. This design enhances the flexibility and functionality of the radiography table, making it a versatile platform for a range of medical imaging applications. Whatsapp:+86 18953679166. Email: service@newheek.com


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