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Medical x ray table customer consultation

Customers see the medical x ray table on our Newheek online sales platform and call for consultation. We first asked the customer what equipment the hospital is equipped with. The customer said it was equipped with a fluoroscopy machine and asked if it needed a car with a film. The customer said there was no need for a car with a film.
We sent the photo of the NKPIIIA2medical x ray table to the customer as shown below, and explained to the customer that the bed surface of this medical x ray table is made of acrylic material, and the transparent bed surface is available in stock. The customer asked whether the bed surface can be raised and lowered, and we replied that it is not possible. The bed surface of this medical x ray table is fixed. Ask the customer if they have any pictures of the hospital fluoroscopy machine. Why do they need to be raised and lowered? We have a bed surface. Lifting medical x ray table with C-arm X-ray machine is often used.
If you want to know more about medical x ray table, please contact us.

Carbon fiber medical X ray table


(+86) 18953679166